J. Edgar Hoover UFO Memo. The Army Retrieved Crashed Disc.

J. Edgar Hoover UFO Memo to Clyde Tolson of July 15, 1947 During his service as the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was fully aware that US Army was in possession of retrieved, crashed flying discs. There was a moment in late 40’s when FBI seriously considered launching their own investigation into the UFO phenomenon. […]
A Piece of UFO Examined and Tested in a Lab.

“What I’d like to see before I’m gone is the national media get their heads out of their… out of the sand. I’d like to see the national media and everybody else realize that what I have is real.” This story stands out from others because there exists actual hard evidence to corroborate it. Back […]
Dying CIA Agent Reveals US Government Alien Contact

On March 5, 2013, a dying CIA agent revealed US Government Alien Contact, Area 51 secrets, black ops and UFO knowledge. He was interviewed in a secret location. Original video from Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. This is a sad interview with a man who knows he has only a few months left among the […]
Roswell Incident – Col. Philip J. Corso Reveals the Truth.

This came as a shock. The famous Roswell incident is to the UFO community what the Great Pyramid of Giza is to the ancient alien theorists – the Beginning. It all started there, in the small New Mexico town when on a stormy night of July 1947, when a bright oval object streaked over […]
UFO Shoots Down a Missile Over the Vandenberg AFB

Officer in charge of optical instrumentation at the 1369th Photo Squadron at Vandenberg, Robert Jacobs (USAF Lieutenant, Ret.) speaks of a life-changing event he was part of back in 1964 at the air force base. His job was to photograph “dummy” ICBMs (Inter-continental ballistic missiles) at their early stages as they were test-launched at […]
Nick Pope, ex MoD UK High Official, Discloses UFOs on Fox News

In his Fox News appearance in May 2011, Nick Pope, former advisor to Head Minister of Defense UK (1991-1994) admitted that the “MoD UK has been investigating UFO’s since the 50’s”. According to Pope there were attempts in the UK to shoot down UFOs but they were never successful. We have had some cases […]
Former Canadian Minister of Defense Testifies: “UFOs are Real”.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Hon. Paul Theodore Hellyer, spoke at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (the non-governmental hearings chaired by six former U.S. congressmen and aimed at, according to the event’s website, doing “what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years”), which was held on 29 April – 3 May […]
1952 Chadwell – Smith CIA Memo

From H.Marshall Chadwell, Director of Scientific Intelligence CIA to the then director of the Agency Walter Bedell Smith on the subject of “Unidentified Flying Objects”. This memo was a result of the 1952 flood of UFO sightings across the United States. In that year a formation of UFOs were spotted i.a. over the Capitol […]
Edgar Mitchell Disclosure Interview

This historic journey ended safely nine days later on February 9, 1971. It was an audacious time in the history of mankind. For Mitchell, however, the most extraordinary journey was yet to come. The following is Edgar Mitchell disclosure interview in which he expresses his thoughts on what he knows, what he has seen […]