Aliens on Mars? Soviet Probe Photographs UFO.

In 1988 Soviet Union launched two probes to Mars as part of a program to study Mars and its two moons Phobos and Deimos. Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 were launched within a span of 5 days and were taken off Earth by Proton-K rockets. Phobos 1 never made it to Mars due to […]
Russia Says its Space Army ‘Currently’ Unable to Fight Aliens

Russia’s Aerospace Defence Troops were established in 1992 after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Their principal role is to protect the country’s air and missile defence, and to run its military satellite hardware. But they also have the duty to "monitor space objects and to identify potential threats to the Russian Federation in space […]
Horror at Mt. Otorten. 9 Hikers Found Dead and Mutilated.

At the beginning of 1959 a group of eight men and two women scrambled in the Russian city of Sverdlovsk (Свердловск), currently Ekaterinburg (Екатеринбург), for a ski march across northern Urals mountains. They were all experienced cross-country skiers, young and fit, most of them still earning their education at the university level, some fresh […]