Dying CIA Agent Reveals US Government Alien Contact

On March 5, 2013, a dying CIA agent revealed US Government Alien Contact, Area 51 secrets, black ops and UFO knowledge. He was interviewed in a secret location. Original video from Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. This is a sad interview with a man who knows he has only a few months left among the […]
Roswell Incident – Col. Philip J. Corso Reveals the Truth.

This came as a shock. The famous Roswell incident is to the UFO community what the Great Pyramid of Giza is to the ancient alien theorists – the Beginning. It all started there, in the small New Mexico town when on a stormy night of July 1947, when a bright oval object streaked over […]
Roswell UFO Incident Gets the Interactive Google Doodle Treatment

The “Roswell incident” dates back to 1947, when residents in Roswell, New Mexico reported seeing a mysterious object crash on a nearby ranch. The official government explanation is that a military surveillance balloon crashed to Earth, but many believe it was actually a UFO, making Roswell synonymous with aliens. The black-and-white doodle, therefore, features […]