“Aliens Are Real” – Ex Lockheed Martin Senior Engineer Deathbed Disclosure

Mr. Boyd Bushman patents include a magnetic drive, a light beam to find objects, a thermally energized electrical power source and a heat radiation detection system. In what has become known as his “deathbed interview” Boyd Bushman, former Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks senior engineer says aliens are real and the have visited Earth. The video […]
Cpt. Bill Uhouse USMC (Ret.)

In his disclosure inteview Bill Uhouse asserted a number of things about his past in the military and his envolvement in reverse-enginering of alien vehicles. Uhouse said that he spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, and four years with the Air Force as a civilian doing experimental testing on aircraft. He was a pilot […]
Alien Interview – Leaked Tape?

Disclaimer: Due to controversial nature of the material we have decided to publish it under “Mystery” and “Controversy” rather than under the “UFO”. Explanation follows. The footage you are about to see is very unusual because of its origin, source and the circumstances in which it came to light. In fact, if it wasn’t […]
We Now Know How to Travel to Stars

We now know how to travel to stars. The Air Force has just given us a contract to take ET back home. – Ben Rich, former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks. As a Senior Research Engineer Boyd Bushman worked for Lockheed Martin, Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft. He is regarded as one of the inventors […]
Dying CIA Agent Reveals US Government Alien Contact

On March 5, 2013, a dying CIA agent revealed US Government Alien Contact, Area 51 secrets, black ops and UFO knowledge. He was interviewed in a secret location. Original video from Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. This is a sad interview with a man who knows he has only a few months left among the […]
Area 51’s Existence Confirmed by CIA.

It turns out that the cultural repository for American alien conspiracies has a much more mundane history. Area 51, the secret government space in the Mojave desert, was used to test aerial programs. While government officials have mentioned the base in passing over the years, a newly declassified history provides the first official acknowledgement that […]
Frantic Phone Call from Alleged Area 51 ex Employee

The news of this incident spread like a wildfire. Youtube clip with the conversation quickly hit 1 million views (and counting). In 1997 syndicated talk show host Art Bell (known primarily as one of the founders and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM) received a frantic call from a […]