KIC 8462852 – Alien Megastructure Found?

Below is full column as published on (link to source below text). This is just one of many press releases that popped up this month around the globe… Before you read check out this CBSN news flash, featuring Michio Kaku. NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope is tasked with finding small, rocky worlds […]
Black Holes and Wormholes

Most of us have probably heard of black holes and wormholes. Black holes are real and science has been able to precisely describe their nature and the way light and matter behave once they get caught in a black hole’s deadly gravitational field. We know that black hole is a special area in space-time […]
Dark Matter. Something Is Out There.

Galaxies in our universe seem to be doing something they should not be: they are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by their observable matter could not possibly hold them together. In other words, if gravity was the sole and only force holding the stars clustered (forming a galaxy) then by all calculations […]
The “Hessdalen Lights” Mystery.

The unexplained occurrences of aerial light orbs which have become known as the “Hessdalen Lights” due to the location of the sightings – the Hessdalen Valley in the municipality of Holtålen in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway, are one of the mysteries that have not been solved yet in spite of its repetitive nature and a […]
Two Crop Circles Crop Up On The Same Day In Brazil

Two crop circles recently appeared near the town of Ipuacu in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. What makes this even more interesting is that they were reported on the same day – Nov. 2. The other eye-opening part of this story is that UFO researchers have offered a $20,000 reward to anyone who can […]
P/2010 A2 – Mystery in Space.

P/2010 A2 was discovered on January 6, 2010 by Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) using a 1 meter (36″) reflecting telescope with a CCD camera. It was LINEAR’s 193rd comet discovery. It has been observed over a 112 day arc of the 3.5 year orbit. It appears to have come to perihelion (closest approach to […]
Ancient Giants. Did 10-Foot-Tall Men Walk the Earth Once?

One of recent discoveries was a mummified elongated skull found in 2011 in Peru in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi. The strangely shaped head is almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body. Anthropologists involved agree that the skull is “not of a human being”.(more) Back in 1912 the […]