“Aliens Already Exist On Earth” Says Prof. Lachezar Filipov of the BAS

The following press release was published on November 26, 2009, in London’s Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail: Aliens from outer space are already among us on earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life. Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists […]
We Should Scour the Moon for Ancient Traces of Aliens, Say Scientists

Passing extraterrestrials might have left messages, scientific instruments, heaps of rubbish or evidence of mining on the dusty lunar surface that could be spotted by human telescopes and orbiting spacecraft. Though the chances of finding the handiwork of long-gone aliens are exceptionally remote, scientists argue that a computerized search of lunar images, or a […]
Russia Says its Space Army ‘Currently’ Unable to Fight Aliens

Russia’s Aerospace Defence Troops were established in 1992 after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Their principal role is to protect the country’s air and missile defence, and to run its military satellite hardware. But they also have the duty to "monitor space objects and to identify potential threats to the Russian Federation in space […]
Dying CIA Agent Reveals US Government Alien Contact

On March 5, 2013, a dying CIA agent revealed US Government Alien Contact, Area 51 secrets, black ops and UFO knowledge. He was interviewed in a secret location. Original video from Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. This is a sad interview with a man who knows he has only a few months left among the […]
Have Aliens Replied to Our Message from 1974?

In 1974 a message was sent from Arecibo radio telescope. The message consisted of 1679 binary digits (ca. 210 bytes) and was transmitted at frequency of 2380 MHz. It was modulated by shifting the frequency by 10 Hz, with a power of 1000 kW. The “ones” and “zeros” were transmitted by frequency shifting at […]
Ronald Reagan’s Innuendos. Alien Threat?

Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States said once, at the UN forum: I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish, if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. One can argue whether this was just a rhetorical figure to make a powerful statement or a veiled warning of […]
Former Canadian Minister of Defense Testifies: “UFOs are Real”.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Hon. Paul Theodore Hellyer, spoke at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (the non-governmental hearings chaired by six former U.S. congressmen and aimed at, according to the event’s website, doing “what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years”), which was held on 29 April – 3 May […]
DNA Proof that Starchild Skull is Alien

DNA has two types: nuclear (nuDNA) and mitochondrial (mtDNA). NuDNA is found in a cell’s nucleus, and it comes from both parents. MtDNA is found in tiny sub-cellular units called mitochondria that float in the cell’s cytoplasm (the jelly-like interior). MtDNA passes to each generation only through the maternal line. The nuDNA genome is […]
Starchild Skull. Alien-human Hybrid?

Starchild skull? Easily a winner in the most-pretentious-nickname summer contest. So who came up with it and why? Imagine you are spending your vacation on a visit in Mexico. The all dust and red rock northwest Mexico, south of the US border, that is. You are an adventurous type so you wander around, peeking in […]