Starchild Skull. Alien-human Hybrid?
This is a story of amazing discovery and exciting pursuit for the truth. It is also a story of a single man's quest who made it his life to uncover the true origin of the mystery skull retrieved from a Mexico's long-forgotten mine.

Starchild skull? Easily a winner in the most-pretentious-nickname summer contest. So who came up with it and why? Imagine you are spending your vacation on a visit in Mexico. The all dust and red rock northwest Mexico, south of the US border, that is. You are an adventurous type so you wander around, peeking in gaps and holes in the rock, investigating tunnels and old mines. And then, on one of your excursions into a tunnel of a forgotten gold mine a century old, you discover remains of something that looks like a skeleton of a child.
You grab the skull and head back, unaware that you have just started a long chain of events that would eventually (many decades later) lead to a sensational discovery that what you figured was just a regular piece of bone turned out to be so much more.
This is how Lloyd Pye puts it in his book — Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?
Nine-hundred years ago, two beings died in an obscure mine tunnel in northwest Mexico. One buried the other, then she lay down beside the freshly turned earth and committed suicide. In 1930 a teenage girl found their skeletons, one lying supine on the mine tunnel floor, the other only visible as a “mis-shapen” hand emerging from the grave to wrap around the exposed skeleton’s upper arm bone.
History of the skull
The known history of the Starchild Skull begins in the 1930s, when an American teenage girl was on vacation with her family near Mexico’s Copper Canyon region. She went exploring alone and found a long-abandoned mine tunnel. Inside it she found a full human skeleton lying on its back. Beside it was a grave-like mound of dirt with an arm bone sticking out of the dirt and the hand bones wrapped around the upper arm bone of the skeleton lying on the surface. | View Larger Map |
Using her hands she dug the buried skeleton out of its shallow grave. The girl attempted to recover both skeletons but lost most of the bones in a flash flood. Ultimately, all she brought back to her home in El Paso was the two skulls, both somewhat battered in the flood, and a detached piece of maxilla that belonged to the “misshapen” skeleton she found in the grave. For the remainder of her life she kept both skulls in a cardboard box as souvenirs of her trip, assuming the odd looking skull was the result of some kind of human deformity.
The woman died in the early 1990s, and in 1998 the two skulls were given to Ray and Melanie Young of El Paso, Texas. Melanie, a neonatal nurse and physical therapist who understood that the “misshapen” skull was in no way the result of a typical human deformity. She was determined to have it expertly evaluated to find out what it really was. To do that, she and her husband Ray enlisted the help of Lloyd Pye, an author and researcher in the field of alternative knowledge, who became the skull’s caretaker and research coordinator.
Lloyd Pye became Director of the Starchild Project in February of 1999, and in the course of years has overseen the scientific testing of the skull in three countries (the US, Canada, and England). While doing that he has regularly informed the media and the public about those results, and he continues to oversee ongoing research that will lead to an ultimate definitive conclusion about the unusual skull.
The Starchild Project
The Starchild Project is Lloyd Pye’s privately funded investigation into the nature and true origins of the Starchild Skull. The Starchild Project began in 1999 when Ray and Melanie Young contacted Lloyd Pye and asked him to investigate an unusual skull that had come into their possession.
The person who first recovered the Starchild Skull passed away in the 1990s, making the story of its discovery in situ heresy. She never pinpointed the exact location where she found the skulls, and claimed that the other bones were washed away in a flash flood, making finding the burial place, or recovery of any other bones, unlikely. However, the staining on the skulls matches the story that Ray and Melanie were told, as does the silicate encrustation on the skulls. But whether the story is true or not, the fact remains that the Starchild Skull is real, and unlike anything previously found on Earth.
In the course of the investigation numerous examinations and tests have been carried out, including DNA testing and C14 dating. The DNA tests have shown that the Starchild Skull “is not similar to anything on this Earth” in terms of its DNA composition. In other words the DNA findings indicate that the Starchild Skull may well be “alien”! Now all that remains is to determine whether alien means “foreign to normal human genetics within the framework of that subject as it is currently understood,” or “definitely not from planet Earth”…. or something in between.
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