J. Edgar Hoover UFO Memo. The Army Retrieved Crashed Disc.

J. Edgar Hoover UFO Memo to Clyde Tolson of July 15, 1947
During his service as the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was fully aware that US Army was in possession of retrieved, crashed flying discs. There was a moment in late 40’s when FBI seriously considered launching their own investigation into the UFO phenomenon. Among the top FBI officials opinions were divided whether to embark on such challenge or not, as many of the recorded disc finds had proven to be nothing but “pranks”. In their exchange of opinions from July 15, 1947, both J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson (FBI Associate Director 1930-1972) agreed the FBI should do it, however Hoover conditioned the launch of the investigation on securing US Army’s permission for the FBI to access the actual discs. These are his actual words:
“I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination”
This note proves that already back in the 40’s, at the very outset of the entire UFO phenomenon, there was quite a friction between government agencies and the Army over access to recovered flying discs. The race for the front seat in the elite club of the privy to the secrets of alien technology had begun.
This is the J. Edgar Hoover UFO memo: