How Technologically Advanced Are We?

Amidst media UFO releases, sci-fi movies, whistleblower accounts on alien presence on Earth and disclosure testimonies to the fact that UFOs are real – have you ever wondered how advanced we are actually? We have supersonic jet planes, stealth technologies, means of instantaneous global communication, we have travelled to the Moon, unleashed the power of the atom, produced robots of a nanometer scale, decoded human genome and successfully manipulated the DNA. We are quite proud of ourselves as a species who dominated the planet and secured its place on top of the food chain on Earth. The fact that we have running water and electricity at flick of a switch makes us comfortable in the feeling that we have managed to harness the power of nature to work for us.
Now, drop the magnifying glass and take a step back. Imagine you are a representative of a civilization capable of interstellar flight. Not only you have managed to harness the powers of your mother planet, but are capable of using and exploiting the zero-point energy field, can catapult yourself from one solar system to another in a blink of an eye, effectively use ESP for communication across stars. You no longer rely on regular intakes of proteins and carbohydrates
to keep your body going…
Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist and a futurist as well as a communicator and popularizer of science. If you asked him “How technologically advanced are we?” you would get a breakdown of civilization on the so-called Kardashev scale which names three types of civilizations, depending on how advanced they are. It’s quite interesting to hear where we are on the scale with our rocket science and internal combustion propulsion systems…