Edgar Mitchell Disclosure Interview
Remarkable testimony from the nation's space hero. On January 31, 1971, Navy Captain Dr. Edgar Mitchell embarked on a journey into outer space that resulted in becoming the sixth man to walk on the moon. The Apollo 14 mission was NASA's third manned lunar landing. This man testifies to the fact that UFOs are real.

This historic journey ended safely nine days later on February 9, 1971. It was an audacious time in the history of mankind. For Mitchell, however, the most extraordinary journey was yet to come.
The following is Edgar Mitchell disclosure interview in which he expresses his thoughts on what he knows, what he has seen and what he has experienced regarding human-alien contacts. The words you are about to hear do not come from an anonymous source or a Mr. John Smith, Ohio. Edgar Mitchell is one of the top-notch, high ranking witnesses with degrees, career path, experience and access to classified information who have recently decided to come forward and speak of what they know about UFOs.
Edgar Mitchell believes the matter is of such a paramount importance to mankind that he did not hesitate to stand before the Congress to testify to extraterrestrial visitations and military cover-up on the subject.
Now, this is an interesting bit. Following are two clips. In the first one you can hear Edgar Mitchell giving an on-air interview for Kerrang radio station where he asserts i.a. that he has been “(…)privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real (…)”. Please note the interviewer’s reaction to Mitchell’s revelations (Clip 1).
I know for sure we’re not alone in the universe. Now, have we been able to identify for sure where the other (inhabited) planets are? No, we haven’t, certainly not in our solar system. But they have identified quite a number of planets now that very likely could be life-bearing planets.
I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real, although it has been covered up by our governments for quite a long time.
The reporter was shocked to the point that he arranged a follow-up call, this time to NASA, in order to receive an official comment on Edgar Mitchell’s (sixth man on the Moon!) statements. See what he got (Clip 2).
Clip 1 | Clip 2 |