Gary McKinnon’s NASA Hack – Evidence of Alien Technology Found

The story is quite incredible and makes a potential NASA hack of all times. So there is this guy, a computer hacker, who one day figured he would hack into i.a. NASA computers to search for evidence of aliens and alien technology as he heard NASA (and other US government agencies) may be hiding something […]
J. Edgar Hoover UFO Memo. The Army Retrieved Crashed Disc.

J. Edgar Hoover UFO Memo to Clyde Tolson of July 15, 1947 During his service as the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was fully aware that US Army was in possession of retrieved, crashed flying discs. There was a moment in late 40’s when FBI seriously considered launching their own investigation into the UFO phenomenon. […]
Explore the Top Secret US Intelligence 2013 Black Budget

It covers many of the high-profile agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, as well as lesser-known programs, including those within the Treasury, State and Energy Departments. This budget does not include funding for intelligence-gathering by the military. Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence […]
‘Black budget’ summary details U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives

The $52.6 billion “black budget” for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny. Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged how it uses the […]
Dying CIA Agent Reveals US Government Alien Contact

On March 5, 2013, a dying CIA agent revealed US Government Alien Contact, Area 51 secrets, black ops and UFO knowledge. He was interviewed in a secret location. Original video from Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. This is a sad interview with a man who knows he has only a few months left among the […]
Area 51’s Existence Confirmed by CIA.

It turns out that the cultural repository for American alien conspiracies has a much more mundane history. Area 51, the secret government space in the Mojave desert, was used to test aerial programs. While government officials have mentioned the base in passing over the years, a newly declassified history provides the first official acknowledgement that […]
1952 Chadwell – Smith CIA Memo

From H.Marshall Chadwell, Director of Scientific Intelligence CIA to the then director of the Agency Walter Bedell Smith on the subject of “Unidentified Flying Objects”. This memo was a result of the 1952 flood of UFO sightings across the United States. In that year a formation of UFOs were spotted i.a. over the Capitol […]
Apollo 11 Moon Landing Hoax?

Did Neil Armstrong really set first man’s foot on the Moon or was the entire landing a hoax, filmed on location in Area 51, courtesy of CIA and NSA? Was Apollo 11 Moon landing hoax? There has been much heated debating over the subject where the conspiracy proponents point out to many suspicious irregularities and […]
Exposing the Black Budget

By Phil Patton It’s the world’s wildest high-tech toy catalog, the Pentagon’s annual Dear Santa letter. It includes secret weapons programs with baffiing code names such as Elegant Lady, Tractor Rose, Forest Green, Senior Citizen, Island Sun and Black Light, White Cloud and Classic Wizard. These are the “black budget” programs that pay for spy […]