UFO or Satellite?

How many times, seeing a bright white dot streaking across the night sky did you wonder if what you were seeing was simply a satellite or perhaps something else? A UFO maybe? Well, there is a way to reduce the risk of a mistake greatly if you know where to look for those satellites. […]
KIC 8462852 – Alien Megastructure Found?

Below is full column as published on discovery.com (link to source below text). This is just one of many press releases that popped up this month around the globe… Before you read check out this CBSN news flash, featuring Michio Kaku. NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope is tasked with finding small, rocky worlds […]
Four Power Groups Control the World Says William Pawelec, Former High-profile Military Security Systems Contractor

Mr. Pawelec’s adventure with the world of electronics, computers, security and access control systems began in mid 60s of the 20th century when he started to work as a computer operations and programming specialist. In the 70s he spent a year in Vietnam where he was processing intelligence data and sending it to Washington. […]
Sgt. Clifford Stone. Man Who Retrieved Crashed UFOs.

This is by far the most powerful and moving testimony we have had a chance to see so far. Sgt. Clifford Stone SFC (Sergeant First Class), U.S. Army (ret.), was born January 2, 1949, in Portsmouth, Ohio. During his service with the U.S. Army he spent over 20 years as a member of the […]
Former NASA Contractor Testifies to Alien Presence on the Moon

Donna Hare was an employee of a NASA contractor and she was cleared to access some of the Agency’s restricted areas, including photo labs. It was in one of NASA photo labs where she had a conversation with a man she was friends with at the time who drew her attention to one of […]
Why has NASA Never Returned to the Moon?

Carl Sagan said once – “All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct.” Perhaps this kind of thinking could have been one of the reasons behind president Bush’s 2004 proposal to return to the Moon, this time “to stay” with a lunar outpost. The proposal stimulated vigorous debate at the time, but no tangible results […]
STS-80 UFO Encounter. Columbia Spots Strange Formation.

What is STS? STS stands for Space Transportation System and a code prefix attached to each space shuttle mission. Each mission flown by space shuttles had its unique STS code. Initially, the mission were given sequential numbers, beginning with the STS-1 for Columbia first flight of April 12, 1981, but due to NASA’s […]
Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind Based on Facts?

Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind hit the screens over thirty years ago and was Hollywood’s first block-buster about UFO sightings and extraterrestrial contact. Released in the same year as Star Wars it actually surpassed George Lucas’ movie in box-office revenue and alerted the wider public to the electrifying question – are […]
FBI UFO Files Available Online.

The Vault is FBI’s electronic reading room, containing thousands of documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so everyone can read them in the comfort of their home or office. Included are many new FBI UFO files that have been released to the public but never added to FBI […]