P/2010 A2 – Mystery in Space.

P/2010 A2 was discovered on January 6, 2010 by Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) using a 1 meter (36″) reflecting telescope with a CCD camera. It was LINEAR’s 193rd comet discovery. It has been observed over a 112 day arc of the 3.5 year orbit. It appears to have come to perihelion (closest approach to […]
How Big is the Universe? Billions of Stars in Trillions of Galaxies.

In the observable universe there is about 100 billion galaxies (100 000 000 000) each consisting of billions of stars. The Andromeda galaxy is about 2.5 million light years away (2,500,000 = number of years you will need to get there traveling at 330,000 km/sec – ca. 190,000 miles/sec – speed of light). Each of […]
We Should Scour the Moon for Ancient Traces of Aliens, Say Scientists

Passing extraterrestrials might have left messages, scientific instruments, heaps of rubbish or evidence of mining on the dusty lunar surface that could be spotted by human telescopes and orbiting spacecraft. Though the chances of finding the handiwork of long-gone aliens are exceptionally remote, scientists argue that a computerized search of lunar images, or a […]
Alien Invasion. When Aliens Attack.

Can Humankind Survive Alien Invasion? We have all seen those SF movies where aliens are not quite the friendly kind. The Alien series, War of the Worlds, Battleship, Pacific Rim, Species, Cowboys and Aliens… alien invasion everywhere, and the list goes on and on. For some reason Hollywood decided that it is more lucrative […]
The Universe And Us

We are children of the stars. Literally. Looking up in the night sky you may wonder what those distant, glittering dots of light may possibly have in common with you. Well, to see that you may want to listen to astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. He was once asked by a reader of the Time […]
Advanced Civilization Calculator – Drake Equation.

Ever wondered how many advanced civilizations might there be out there? Given the vastness of space populated by trillions of galaxies, each consisting of billions of star systems – how do you even approach the problem? The number of digits involved makes the head spin and the complexity of calculation boggles the mind. There […]
How Technologically Advanced Are We?

Amidst media UFO releases, sci-fi movies, whistleblower accounts on alien presence on Earth and disclosure testimonies to the fact that UFOs are real – have you ever wondered how advanced we are actually? We have supersonic jet planes, stealth technologies, means of instantaneous global communication, we have travelled to the Moon, unleashed the power of […]