UFO or Satellite?
How many times, seeing a bright white dot streaking across the night sky did you wonder if what you were seeing was simply a satellite or perhaps something else? A UFO maybe? Well, there is a way to reduce the risk of a mistake greatly if you know where to look for those satellites. […]

KIC 8462852 – Alien Megastructure Found?
Below is full column as published on discovery.com (link to source below text). This is just one of many press releases that popped up…

String Theory – a Multidimensional Universe
We are somewhat used to the idea that the surrounding matter is made up of molecules which can be broken down into atoms, and…

Black Holes and Wormholes
Most of us have probably heard of black holes and wormholes. Black holes are real and science has been able to precisely describe their…

Dark Matter. Something Is Out There.
Galaxies in our universe seem to be doing something they should not be: they are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by their…

Aliens on Mars? Soviet Probe Photographs UFO.
In 1988 Soviet Union launched two probes to Mars as part of a program to study Mars…

The “Hessdalen Lights” Mystery.
The unexplained occurrences of aerial light orbs which have become known as the “Hessdalen Lights” due to…

Ancient Aircraft Models in Egypt and Colombia?
Saqqara. City of the Dead. Egypt. 1891. A French archeologist unearthed an ancient tomb. In it, among…

How did Religions Come About? The “Cargo Cult” Case.
What profound event(s) on a global scale took place circa 2000 years ago, resulting in the rise…