KIC 8462852 – Alien Megastructure Found?
Below is full column as published on discovery.com (link to source below text). This is just one of many press releases that popped up this month around the globe… Before you read check out this CBSN news flash, featuring Michio Kaku. NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope is tasked with finding small, rocky worlds […]

Dark Matter. Something Is Out There.
Galaxies in our universe seem to be doing something they should not be: they are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by their…

Aliens on Mars? Soviet Probe Photographs UFO.
In 1988 Soviet Union launched two probes to Mars as part of a program to study Mars and its two moons Phobos and Deimos.…

The “Hessdalen Lights” Mystery.
The unexplained occurrences of aerial light orbs which have become known as the “Hessdalen Lights” due to the location of the sightings – the…

UFO Over Jerusalem on Fox News
This UFO encounter was so spectacular that it immediately drew attention of many major mainstream media. Videos documenting the UFO sighting went viral in an…

Two Crop Circles Crop Up On The Same Day In Brazil
Two crop circles recently appeared near the town of Ipuacu in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. What…

P/2010 A2 – Mystery in Space.
P/2010 A2 was discovered on January 6, 2010 by Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) using a 1 meter…

Alien Interview – Leaked Tape?
Disclaimer: Due to controversial nature of the material we have decided to publish it under “Mystery” and…

Horror at Mt. Otorten. 9 Hikers Found Dead and Mutilated.
At the beginning of 1959 a group of eight men and two women scrambled in the Russian…