Why has NASA Never Returned to the Moon?

Carl Sagan said once – “All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct.” Perhaps this kind of thinking could have been one of the reasons behind president Bush’s 2004 proposal to return to the Moon, this time “to stay” with a lunar outpost. The proposal stimulated vigorous debate at the time, but no tangible results […]
Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind Based on Facts?

Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind hit the screens over thirty years ago and was Hollywood’s first block-buster about UFO sightings and extraterrestrial contact. Released in the same year as Star Wars it actually surpassed George Lucas’ movie in box-office revenue and alerted the wider public to the electrifying question – are […]
Alien Interview – Leaked Tape?

Disclaimer: Due to controversial nature of the material we have decided to publish it under “Mystery” and “Controversy” rather than under the “UFO”. Explanation follows. The footage you are about to see is very unusual because of its origin, source and the circumstances in which it came to light. In fact, if it wasn’t […]
Ronald Reagan’s Innuendos. Alien Threat?

Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States said once, at the UN forum: I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish, if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. One can argue whether this was just a rhetorical figure to make a powerful statement or a veiled warning of […]
Frantic Phone Call from Alleged Area 51 ex Employee

The news of this incident spread like a wildfire. Youtube clip with the conversation quickly hit 1 million views (and counting). In 1997 syndicated talk show host Art Bell (known primarily as one of the founders and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM) received a frantic call from a […]
Apollo 11 Moon Landing Hoax?

Did Neil Armstrong really set first man’s foot on the Moon or was the entire landing a hoax, filmed on location in Area 51, courtesy of CIA and NSA? Was Apollo 11 Moon landing hoax? There has been much heated debating over the subject where the conspiracy proponents point out to many suspicious irregularities and […]