Ronald Reagan’s Innuendos. Alien Threat?

Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States said once, at the UN forum: I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish, if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. One can argue whether this was just a rhetorical figure to make a powerful statement or a veiled warning of […]
UFO Shoots Down a Missile Over the Vandenberg AFB

Officer in charge of optical instrumentation at the 1369th Photo Squadron at Vandenberg, Robert Jacobs (USAF Lieutenant, Ret.) speaks of a life-changing event he was part of back in 1964 at the air force base. His job was to photograph “dummy” ICBMs (Inter-continental ballistic missiles) at their early stages as they were test-launched at […]
Frantic Phone Call from Alleged Area 51 ex Employee

The news of this incident spread like a wildfire. Youtube clip with the conversation quickly hit 1 million views (and counting). In 1997 syndicated talk show host Art Bell (known primarily as one of the founders and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM) received a frantic call from a […]
Former Canadian Minister of Defense Testifies: “UFOs are Real”.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Hon. Paul Theodore Hellyer, spoke at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (the non-governmental hearings chaired by six former U.S. congressmen and aimed at, according to the event’s website, doing “what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years”), which was held on 29 April – 3 May […]
1952 Chadwell – Smith CIA Memo

From H.Marshall Chadwell, Director of Scientific Intelligence CIA to the then director of the Agency Walter Bedell Smith on the subject of “Unidentified Flying Objects”. This memo was a result of the 1952 flood of UFO sightings across the United States. In that year a formation of UFOs were spotted i.a. over the Capitol […]
Edgar Mitchell Disclosure Interview

This historic journey ended safely nine days later on February 9, 1971. It was an audacious time in the history of mankind. For Mitchell, however, the most extraordinary journey was yet to come. The following is Edgar Mitchell disclosure interview in which he expresses his thoughts on what he knows, what he has seen […]
Roswell UFO Incident Gets the Interactive Google Doodle Treatment

The “Roswell incident” dates back to 1947, when residents in Roswell, New Mexico reported seeing a mysterious object crash on a nearby ranch. The official government explanation is that a military surveillance balloon crashed to Earth, but many believe it was actually a UFO, making Roswell synonymous with aliens. The black-and-white doodle, therefore, features […]
Apollo 11 Moon Landing Hoax?

Did Neil Armstrong really set first man’s foot on the Moon or was the entire landing a hoax, filmed on location in Area 51, courtesy of CIA and NSA? Was Apollo 11 Moon landing hoax? There has been much heated debating over the subject where the conspiracy proponents point out to many suspicious irregularities and […]
Exposing the Black Budget

By Phil Patton It’s the world’s wildest high-tech toy catalog, the Pentagon’s annual Dear Santa letter. It includes secret weapons programs with baffiing code names such as Elegant Lady, Tractor Rose, Forest Green, Senior Citizen, Island Sun and Black Light, White Cloud and Classic Wizard. These are the “black budget” programs that pay for spy […]