Starchild Skull. Alien-human Hybrid?
Starchild skull? Easily a winner in the most-pretentious-nickname summer contest. So who came up with it and why? Imagine you are spending your vacation on a visit in Mexico. The all dust and red rock northwest Mexico, south of the US border, that is. You are an adventurous type so you wander around, peeking in […]
Roswell UFO Incident Gets the Interactive Google Doodle Treatment
The “Roswell incident” dates back to 1947, when residents in Roswell, New Mexico reported seeing a mysterious object crash on a nearby ranch. The official government explanation is that a military surveillance balloon crashed to Earth, but many believe it was actually a UFO, making Roswell synonymous with aliens. The black-and-white doodle, therefore, features […]
Apollo 11 Moon Landing Hoax?
Did Neil Armstrong really set first man’s foot on the Moon or was the entire landing a hoax, filmed on location in Area 51, courtesy of CIA and NSA? Was Apollo 11 Moon landing hoax? There has been much heated debating over the subject where the conspiracy proponents point out to many suspicious irregularities and […]
Puma Punku
The mysterious ruins of Puma Punku are located in Bolivia, South America, in the Andes Mountains, 45 miles west of the country’s capital La Paz, at an altitude over 12,000 feet. Archeologists have no definitive answer as to what Puma Punku was, what it looked like, how it was built, by whom and to […]
Exposing the Black Budget
By Phil Patton It’s the world’s wildest high-tech toy catalog, the Pentagon’s annual Dear Santa letter. It includes secret weapons programs with baffiing code names such as Elegant Lady, Tractor Rose, Forest Green, Senior Citizen, Island Sun and Black Light, White Cloud and Classic Wizard. These are the “black budget” programs that pay for spy […]
Dr. Michael E. Salla’s Investigation into the CIA’s Black Budget
This report examines the existence of a CIA ‘black budget’ and an extensive network of ‘deep black projects’ that it funds. The report identifies the legal framework established by the US Congress for the creation of a CIA ‘black budget’ from the appropriations earmarked for other federal agencies that are siphoned through the CIA […]
Air Force Regulation 200-2, 12 August 1954
Air Force Regulation 200-2 The term UFO was coined by the Air Force in the early 50’s as a replacement to more commonly used other terms which failed to effectively convey the nature of various anomalies in the sky that could not be identified. Until 1953-54 the unidentified flying objects were popularly referred to as […]
Battle of LA, Los Angeles Times, 26 February 1942
On the winter night of 24-25 February 1942 an unidentified object penetrated heavily defended air space over the coast off Los Angeles, triggering aerial barrage from the AA defense on the location. The intrusion took place merely three months after the US entered WWII as a consequence of the Japanese raid over Pearl Harbor. […]
Alien Poll Finds Half of Americans Think Extraterrestrial Life Exists
Many people believe our best chance of communicating with extraterrestrial life will be via radio signals. In 1977, researchers detected a signal that some claimed bore the marks of extraterrestrial origin — hence the “Wow!” written in the margin. According to the new survey, 50 percent of Americans think that there is some form […]