Aliens on Mars? Soviet Probe Photographs UFO.
Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 were two Soviet Mars probes lost in mysterious circumstances. Before loss of contact Phobos 2 managed to transmit a number of images which puzzled the scientists and raised questions about aliens on Mars.

In 1988 Soviet Union launched two probes to Mars as part of a program to study Mars and its two moons Phobos and Deimos. Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 were launched within a span of 5 days and were taken off Earth by Proton-K rockets. Phobos 1 never made it to Mars due to a human-mistake of one of the mission operators who “prematurely switched the probe off”. Phobos 2, however, reached the orbit and returned a few dozens of images of Mars surface. Just before the deployment of a planned Phobos lander contact with Phobos 2 was suddenly lost – this time for unknown reasons.
The batch of images received successively from Phobos 2 puzzled the scientists. From the height of 6000 kilometers over the Martian surface Phobos was capable of capturing objects down to the size of 2 kilometers. On March 1, 1989, images revealed a suspiciously regular grid of very thin lines on the planet surface. The grid was photographed both in the optical and infra-red (heat distribution) ranges. The lines were 2-3 kilometers wide. Possible ancient remnants of life or a civilization?

On March 26 Phobos 2 sends even more mysterious images from Mars. Just south of the Mars equator an image of an unexplained elliptical shape is captured (with optical and heat-seeking instruments) which, upon closer examination, appears to be a shadow of an object either above or on the ground. Russian mission control promised to return with an explanation of the mysterious martian shadow but they never did.
Russians were very reluctant in providing explanations to what the grid and the elliptical shadow were. Things got even more suspiciously-looking when contact with Phobos 2 was suddenly lost and Russians chose to withhold the last images captured by the probe just before ground control lost the probe. They did, however, release a statement saying that the pictures show “an object coming towards the space craft, which should not have been there.”
Aliens on Mars?
The Soviets were to bring the last picture taken by Phobos 2 to a science conference in Exeter, UK, for the scientific community to evaluate it. But they didn’t. Instead, the Russian Space Agency informed that the picture shows an object captured in infra-red which can “surely be explained in understandable, natural and physical terms”. One plausible theory could be that it was a meteorite which collided with the probe destroying it.

However, in 1990 one of the professors of the Soviet Space Research Institute gave an interview in which he discredited the meteorite theory.
They did, however, release a statement saying that the pictures show “an object coming towards the space craft, which should not have been there.”
In 1991 Marina Popovich, a former cosmonaut trainee and retired air force colonel, held a surprise press conference at the Russian consulate in San Francisco. She brought and revealed the mysterious last picture taken by Phobos 2. There was a strange shape in the foreground. During the press conference Popovich continually referred to it as an “unidentified flying object”. This was the evidence that something unexpected happened, and that the probe was approached by an unknown object on the Martian orbit. This is when speculations about aliens on Mars began, which were fueled even further in 1992 when scientists, having examined all existing photographs of the mysterious elliptical sadow photographed by Phobos 2, concluded that the shadow “was actually moving” (sic!).
Could it be that there indeed are aliens on Mars and that they interrupted the Phobos program by interfering with the Soviet probes? Today we already know that evidence of life has been found on Mars. And if NASA says advanced life could have existed on Mars in ancient times, how do we know it is still not there but, perhaps, withdrawn from the surface to somewhere where we are not able to reach yet. Watch the documentary: