A Piece of UFO Examined and Tested in a Lab.
Bob White is in possession of an object he saw fell from a UFO. He took it to a lab for testing in order to determine what it was. The results were shocking.

“What I’d like to see before I’m gone is the national media get their heads out of their… out of the sand. I’d like to see the national media and everybody else realize that what I have is real.”
This story stands out from others because there exists actual hard evidence to corroborate it. Back in 1985 Bob White, the owner of the piece of UFO, was on his way to Las Vegas on a road near the Colorado – Utah border. He was taking a nap while a friend of his was behind the wheel. As he recalls at one moment the friend woke him up to show him a light in the sky. It got really intense after some time to the point it was almost blinding.
Because of the light driving was not possible any longer so they stopped the car and got out to see what was going on. To his shock Bob White realized the bright-light object was not more than about 100 yards ahead. After a while the object took off rapidly and joined two tubular objects hovering above the ground. It looked a bit like the light merged with a “mother ship” above. Shortly after the entire ship zipped out of sight but just a moment before that happened Bob White saw a bright orange object detach from the “mother ship” and fall to the ground. Bob White and his friend were able to find it on the ground and had to wait for some time for it to cool down to be able to pack it in the trunk.
The artifact looks like an elongated teardrop and measures about 7 1/2 inches in length.
Laboratory tests showed it is primarily composed of aluminum. The exterior is a course metal, weighing less than 2 pounds.
Below is a clip from the UFO Hunters TV series where you can see the entire story